Tui NA 24 Credit Hours. CE#20-429586
After completing this course the Student will be able to: Use basic Tui Na techniques and understand their functions and applications on a range of body shapes and sizes, showing due respect for privacy, cultural, and other differences.- Apply principles, caution and contraindications of Tui Na treatments. Incorporate whole body treatment into the learner’s massage routine and practice.- Understand the basic principles and history of Chinese medical bodywork- Correctly assess and correct hip displacement-Identify and verbalize the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions of the spine-Verbalize common pathological of the back.
-Demonstrate the techniques to a level of proficiency that guarantees client safety
This course is intended for the currently Licensed Massage therapist, who is required to have basic musculoskeletal injuries massage. Tui Na is Chinese medical bodywork. Students will learn the indications for TuiNa as well as contraindications. Students will have a hands-on approach to learning specific techniques of Tui Na designed to relieve pain and to realign the body. Following the principles of acupuncture, Tui na has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is non invasive and leaves clients feeling revitalized. By course conclusion students will be making critical judgments with relations to which combination of the Tui Na techniques to utilize to achieve the greatest outcome in patient care.
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Reflexology Hands and Feet CE #2041515
29 Study Hours 24 Credit Hours
Available in English and Spanish
The art and science of Foot and Hand Reflexology deals with the principal that there are reflex areas in the hands and the feet that correspond to all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. It is a method of activating the therapeutic powers of the body. It is a compression technique that affects the whole body, reversing the effects of stress. We will learn about Reflexology as a holistic and therapeutic method. Discuss its history, learn about the reflex areas of the hands and feet, learn the techniques of the reflexology sequence, and give and receive a session of reflexology.
Instructor: Efrain Bernal
Lymphatic Draining Massage: 42 Study time 24 Hr Credit Hours CE #20 418361
This course is intended for currently licensed massage therapists. This Lymphatic Drainage Massage course discusses how the lymphatic system works and how manual lymphatic drainage massage can help promote the proper function of this critical system. The live lectures and demonstrations are implemented by experienced therapist with years of practice. They will demonstrates the strokes used in lymphatic massage and a complete routine for providing manual lymphatic drainage in a step by step process.
Upon completion of this course, the students will have learned the above mentioned core techniques in which they will be able to incorporate into their everyday practices.
This course will be taught with live lectures, the opportunity to work together with instructor on a face to face basis, and group discussions. The practice of these techniques will be administered to a fellow student or teacher assigned live model.
Students who complete the entire course with a minimum passing grade point average of eighty-five (85%) or higher on their Practical Assessment and Written Exam, will receive the required twenty-four (24) credit hours in order to comply with the Health Department of Regulation and Licensing for the Florida State for massage therapy licensing.
Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) are the prerequisite courses for the Reflexology Methods Training course. These prerequisites should already have been satisfied during the massage therapists initial education to obtain the Massage Therapist License, therefore will not be taught by EZ Skin Care & Wellness Center
Instructor: Professor Efrain Bernal LMT
From Addiction to Recovery Part 1 CE #20 541623
Course Description: This course is intended for currently licensed massage therapists. This course will provide therapists a greater understanding of how to integrate fundamentals of chakra healing therapy as a modality for working with clients in recovery from addictions; Therapists will learn about the seven energy centers in the body, also known as chakras, the benefits of chakra work for the body, mind, and spirit. Therapists will learn about the psychology of the chakras and chakra health. Therapists will examine practical applications for clearing blockages in each of the seven chakras. Therapists will list five desired outcomes for incorporating chakra work in their practice of massage therapy. Students will describe three reasons a massage therapist should understand chakras and how it impacts their work. 1. Introduction to Energy Work and Chakras 2. The Seven Chakras and Their Meaning 3. The Psychology of the Chakras 4. Chakras and Health 5. List five desired outcomes for integrating chakra healing therapy in their massage therapy practice 6. Describe three reasons a massage therapist should understand chakras and how it impacts their work Upon completion of this course, the students will have learned the above mentioned objectives which they will incorporate into their every day practice. This course will be taught by live lectures, the opportunity to work together with instructor on a face toface basis, and group discussions. Students who complete the entire course with a minimum passing grade point average of eighty-five (85%) or higher on their assessment, will receive the required twelve hours (12) credit hours in order to comply with the Health Department of Regulation and Licensing for the Florida State massage therapy licensing. PREREQUISITES FOR TAKING FROM ADDICTION TO RECOVERY PART II This course is required to be completed before enrolling in From Addiction to Recovery Part IC
From Addiction to Recovery Part 2 CE # 20-541623
Course Description: This course is intended for currently licensed massage therapists. This course will provide therapists a greater understanding of how to integrate fundamentals of chakra healing therapy as a modality for working with clients in recovery from addictions; Therapists will learn about the seven energy centers in the body, also known as chakras, the benefits of chakra work for the body, mind, and spirit. Therapists will learn about the psychology of the chakras and chakra health. Therapists will examine practical applications for clearing blockages in each of the seven chakras. Therapists will list five desired outcomes for incorporating chakra work in their practice of massage therapy. Students will describe three reasons a massage therapist should understand chakras and how it impacts their work.
Introduction to Energy Work and Chakras
- The Seven Chakras and Their Meaning
- The Psychology of the Chakras
- Chakras and Health
- List five desired outcomes for integrating chakra healing therapy in their massage therapy practice
- Describe three reasons a massage therapist should understand chakras and how it impacts their work
Upon completion of this course, the students will have learned the above mentioned objectives which they will incorporate into their every day practice. This course will be taught by live lectures, the opportunity to work together with instructor on a face to face basis, and group discussions. Students who complete the entire course with a minimum passing grade point average of eighty-five (85%) or higher on their assessment, will receive the required twelve hours (12) credit hours in order to comply with the Health Department
Recovering from Bell’s Palsy CE#20-542973
Course Description: This course is intended for currently licensed massage therapists. This course will provide therapists a greater understanding of how to integrate fundamentals of Relaxation therapy as a modality for working with clients in recovery from Bells Palsy; Therapists will Review the seven energy centers in the body, also known as chakras, the benefits Relaxation work for the body, mind, and spirit. Therapists will be review about the psychology of the chakras and chakra health. Therapists will learn outcomes for incorporating Relaxation therapy work in their practice of massage therapy. Students will describe three reasons a massage therapist should understand chakras and how it impacts their work. Therapist will learn facial massage techniques designed to restore function to the area affected by Bells Palsy and ease some of the discomfort caused by it. This course will be taught by two instructors, Sassia W. Hochberg, MS Ed, RMFTI, RDT and Esthetician Facial Therapist Elena Zabala The Seven Chakras and Their Meaning
1. The Psychology of the Chakras
2. Relaxation and Health
3. List five desired outcomes for integrating Relaxation healing therapy in their massage therapy practice
4. Describe three reasons a massage therapist should understand chakras and how it impacts their work
5. Massage techniques designed to restore function of the affected area. Upon completion of this course, the students will have learned the above mentioned objectives which they will incorporate into their every day practice.
This course will be taught by live lectures, the opportunity to work together with instructor on a face to face basis, and group discussions. Students who complete the entire course with a minimum passing grade point average of eighty-five (85%) or higher on their assessment, will receive the required twenty four (24) credit hours in order to comply with the Health Department of Regulation and Licensing for the Florida State massage therapy licensing
HIV/AIDS and Communicable Diseases 8 Hrs CE.
Course Learning Objectives
- The purpose of this course and the outcome expected is for participants to develop:
- An increased understanding of the HIV virus and AIDS and related issues
- A full knowledge of the Modes of HIV Transmission
- The practical skills needed to apply various Infection Control Procedures
- The knowledge of the core concepts of Clinical Management, testing and treatment of HIV/AIDS
- A complete understanding of the skills necessary for applying HIV infection prevention practices
- A more accurate perception of the attitudes people have towards HIV/AIDS
- The ability to choose appropriate behavior in dealing with persons who may have the virus or syndrome
Course Overview:
Although there are concerns about many diseases, specific attention is being given to HIV infection and AIDS because of the varied and complicated issues they bring to our workplace and the community. This course takes a look at what HIV is when it came into the picture and where it has gone to over the last 25 years. Within the course material is a review of why and how HIV infection ultimately results in AIDS and the ways that prevention, testing and treatment are clinically managed. A special focus it given in this course on the stigma of HIV/AIDS and how this has played a major role in the spread, which has impeded the control of HIV/AIDS worldwide. As well, looked at here is the impact the social stigma plays in the personal and career lives of those who may be infected with HIV, and the resulting laws that now prevail as a result of this. This course also makes suggestions on work place programs that have proven success in protecting the rights of those who may be infected and as such, reduce liability to salon professionals or Massage facilities who otherwise may not be aware of how to appropriately deal with persons with the virus or syndrome. Another factor that stems from HIV/AIDS, co-infection with other diseases, particularly STD’s and STI’s is gone over with an emphasis on new strands of TB, Hepatitis C and various other communicable diseases and disorders that can affect the salon environment, and therefore should always be a constant concern to salon professionals. In summation this course features proper infection control practices to reduce and eliminate the spread of infection through the implementation of Universal/Standard controls and proper cleaning, disinfecting, sanitation and hand washing methods prescribed by the Florida department of Health under the authority given by law.
Coming soon
Thai massage Level I,II,III
Sport Massage Level I and II
Cupping Massage Level I, II, III
Water Thai Massage Level I and II
I found you through CE Broker, with an interest in your Reflexology course. I notice that also you have a prenatal and Lymphatic course also. I’m wondering about a special price if I take 2 or 3 of your courses.? What are the dates and prices of each course? I am also an Esthestian, so I would be open to courses you offer for both licenses. Thank you,
Hi Christine,
I apologize for not getting back to you earlier, the site was under constructions and I was unable to see your message. We are working on a new date for the Reflexology course and I will let you know as soon as the date selected. We have a Certification course for Reflexology of the face available.
the courses are a 4 day, normally on weekends Friday-Monday. We can work on a special class for you if you would like to take Lymphatic and Reflexology, I will ask the Professor if he can arrange a combination. My specialty is facial. visit our Institute
Where are you practicing? what State?
please feel free to contact me at 561-588-7234
Looking forward to your call or email
Elena Zabala