Rehabilitation Light Therapy (RLT)


Light Therapy                       
Rid yourself of: Wrinkles. Age spot, Sun Damage, Coarse Skin, Large Pores, Blemishes, Dilated Capillaries, and Rosacea, Improve Complexion and Texture of the Skin.  NON SURGICAL and requires NO RECOVERY TIME.


Red Light Therapy stimulates collagen production. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of your skin, resulting in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is also the protein used to heal damaged skin cells. The red light spectrum is used to treat aging skin (wrinkles), sagging, and fat burning.
Blue Light Therapy kills the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. This is the main cause of acne, and it is sensitive to light in the wavelength range of (405-420nm). The bacteria absorbs light in this spectrum and the light kills the bacteria. As a result, acne disappears. Because red light is more a healing light, this wavelength (red), can also be used to treat acne to reduce redness, inflammation, and sebum and oil production.
Green Light Therapy stimulates injured cells to product ATP, and increase DNA and RNA activity. Green LED Therapy is used to treat dilated capillaries, eye lifting, reduction of circles under the eye, hyperpigmentation (sun spots), and even breast lifting.
Yellow Light Therapy has been shown to stimulate the production of red blood cells in the skin, and is effective in treating abnormal pigmentation (hypo and hyper), improve lymphatic function, and stimulate circulation.
Purple Light Therapy has been demonstrated to actually decrease the telomeres of DNA in the cell essentially bringing it back to a stem cell-like, (brand new cell), state in which it can divide and create new skin cells. Purple LED therapy increases cell regeneration.

RLT rejuvenating LIGHT
Light Therapy is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent for the skin. RLT therapy can be used in conjunction with any other skin treatments as a soothing, calming, and healing treatment to promote healing and fortify other treatments. RLT therapy also reduces the size of swollen capillaries.