Sunscreen Tips

Sunscreen Tips

hydrafacial sun blockRegularly Applying sunscreen is one of the easiest, most effective ways of protecting your skin from sun damage. Remember these tips:

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher to protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays (Try Sothys SPF 30 Sunblock or Hydrafacial Sun Screen 40) both available at EZ Skin Care.

For maximum effectiveness, apply sunscreen liberally to all sun-exposed areas.  Take special care to cover nose, cheeks, back of arms, neck legs, ears and the delicate V-shaped area of the neckline.
Always reapply sunscreen after swimming, exercising, perspiring or toweling yourself dry.  Waterproof sunscreens are a good choice for swimmers and athletes.
Sunscreen for children is an absolute.
I highly recommend a Hydrafacial


baby with sunblockAt what age is it safe to start putting sunscreen on my baby?

The best ways to is to protect a baby from the sun keep him in the shade of a tree, umbrella, or stroller and dress him in long sleeves and a hat. But if that’s not possible, it’s fine to use a small amount of sunscreen on his face and hands.

I recommend choosing a physical sunscreen, one made with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Unlike the stuff in chemical sunscreens that the skin absorbs, which may cause irritation or allergic reactions, these ingredients merely sit on top of the skin, forming a barrier against the sun’s rays. There’s no evidence chemical sunscreens are dangerous or toxic, but we just don’t know enough yet about how their ingredients affect babies.